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The Wellbeing at Work program was originally developed for (junior) doctors but can be tailored to a variety of workplace settings. Contact us if you would like to discuss options.

Wellbeing at Work focuses on developing practical, evidence-based wellbeing techniques. These techniques are based on strategies developed in Positive Psychology, (Cognitive) Behavioural Techniques, Acceptance and Commitment, Compassion Focused and Trauma Informed Stress Management theories, including practical mindfulness strategies.

There is a focus on managing interpersonal relationships, navigating difficult scenarios, identifying common and/or personal barriers for self-care and asking for help, and overcoming these barriers.
A variety of resources, specifically designed for doctors are presented and discussed. It is well documented that a high level of wellbeing can enhance a person’s leadership and improve their engagement with peers and other professionals, ultimately enhancing the quality of patient care.

Wellbeing at Work promotes healthier doctors which can lead to healthier patients.

The program is delivered in-person via 2 x 90-minute workshops with a week or two between each session to allow for practicing of strategies that were covered in the first session. Some groups requested 3 x 90-minute sessions or a single three-hour session that can be tailored to suit the needs of a group. Sessions can be delivered via videoconference but in-person delivery is preferred.

Topics included: 

various self-care strategies, such as mindfulness and how it can be included in the working environment and improve wellbeing in doctors;
communication techniques for more effective engagement with others;
strategies for identifying and addressing Burnout and Compassion Fatigue;
skills for managing challenging scenarios in the workplace 
overcoming common and/or personal barriers to self-care;
practical self-care strategies; and
practical tips on asking and getting help.

Direct feedback at the end of each session helps shaping future sessions.

For more information contact us 

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What do others say about working with us?

Mary, Senior Management

“She is trustworthy, always encouraging, and a patient and insightful guide through life experiences. She can pinpoint the crucial point of a situation and does not fail to leave me with helpful insights, ideas, or questions to ponder. “

Anna, CEO

“Ira helped me so much when I was burnt out. I constantly felt overwhelmed and like I wasn't doing enough. This also undermined my self-worth. She managed to ask just the right questions that helped me to look at my situation from a different perspective. The coaching helped to open up new pathways to proceed. Thank you so much, I feel so much better now and I love my work and family again!“

Dr Jane E., Doctor

“Thank you for helping me when I was burn-out. I felt so alone and found it hard to ask for help, thought I had to solve it all myself. I wish I had reached out earlier! It really helped to have you as my ally and I felt you understood what I was going through. Your coaching helped me to identify unhelpful patterns and how to eliminate them. I now have helpful strategies in place and I recognise when I'm going down again. You're a life-saver!“

Dr S. K. GP

Good speaker. It has been a long time since I looked at myself for wellbeing. This Wellbeing workshop made me realise my own health is at stake. It is an eye opener” 

Dr I. K, GP

“Ira brought and added meaning to my 40 years of general practice, giving me confidence in what I’m doing on a daily basis with my patients.” 

B. B, Lawyer

“I particularly liked the way you used lots of examples and hands on. The slide show was very good and the way you explained about the brain was fantastic. I was very interested in that part." 

B. A, Doctor

I honestly loved this, it was a great session that gave me so much insight and information into self-care that I have been overlooking.

M. H., CEO

“Thank you once again for an excellent short course. As I said on the last night I really felt like I found EXACTLY what I had been looking for. Great quality short sessions and completed within six weeks.

This course has given me knowledge and skills and it has already made a real impact to my day-to-day wellbeing. 

Very pleased I took the next step by doing a course. I'm a convert!"

Intern, Wellbeing at Work

“This program equips us with tools to navigate the unique stressors of life as a junior doctor. Whilst a lot of hospitals/medical education units allude to the importance of wellbeing, this program helps walk the walk and teaches us the ability to manage! 

Best intern teaching this year!”

Dr C. E., Doctor

“This was an excellent program which was straight to the point. I can take a lot away from this and hope to share some of these strategies and resources with my colleagues.”


“Ira gave a great and lively presentation”

Participant 2

“great session, good speaker”

Participant 4

“Thank you, I took away so much from your presentation. Very useful information and presented in a lively way so I could take it all in.”

Participant 3

“Great speaker, never a dull moment and very informative”